Web-based interactive demos
For tutorials and explanation
This widget allows you to change underlyig mean and variance of three three sources; namely; population, group 1, and group 2. The widget help is desgined to understands following concepts:
In Machine Learning, ROC Curve is one of approches to evaluate the quality of a trained model by computing the AUC (Area under the curve) of ROC Curve. Although, it is straightforword to understand that higher the AUC, better it is, which is good enough to compare two or more models for the purpose of model selection. However, unlike accuracy, the interpretation of the value of AUC is not so intutive. The objective of this web-based interative widget is to help develop the missing intutive insight of AUC of ROC Curve. In addition, this widget helps to undertand the tuning of a threshold for a trained model, in order to accommondate the cost of misclassification of classes. |
This widget is designed to understand the frequency of signal (specifically for audio). Although, the 'term' frequency is intitutive, and it is very easy to understand, how how frequency sounds differently than low frequency, however, the manifestation of frequency and it's sound is not that intitutive. For example, high frequency signal sounds like something at high level is constant, where is it is so high fluctuation, that we perceive it as if it is continuese. The hope is, that this widget, let's learners to understand, how high frequency is created and perceived. |
In Statistics, Hypothesis testing is one of the tool used to decide if a claim has any scientific merits. The widget help is desgined from 'Sampling' widgted by adding addtional features to understands following concepts:
In Deeplerning, often a question comes up, how many layers should I have, and/or how many nodes/neurons I have have in my artchitecture. The answer rely on the complexity of the problem and available data. This widget is desgined understand, how adding a layer of neuron increase the complexity of the decision boundary. In given GIF, you could identify
List of demos
1. Statistics - Sampling and Inferencing.
2. ROC for PML Course (V1).
3. ROC for PML Course (V2).
4. ROC for PML Course (V3).
V3 includes more details and explanation of the widget