Courses and Material @ QMUL

Courses that I am /(will be) teaching at QMUL since 2023.


Introduction to Data Science Programming

2023, 2024

  • • Programming with Python
  • • Anaconda, Jupyter-notebook
  • • Data Science
Principles of Machine Learning


  • • Deployment-first Perspective
  • • Methodology
  • • Machine Learning
Exloratory Data Analysis


  • • Signals & Systems
  • • Time-series Analysis

Short Courses/Tutorial Sessions

Introduction to Statistics (for medical students)

@ Imperial College London


  • • Describe your data
  • • Making sense of Inferential Statistics
  • • Hypothesis desgin and testing
SPSS Session
  • • Use PhyAAt tabular dataset
  • • Descriptive statistics
  • • Hypothesis Testing

Courses and Material

Here are different courses and material that I have been developing for teaching purposes.

Courses in progress ..

Signal Analysis Methods
  • • Covariance, SVD, PCA, Least Square
  • • Wavelet filter, Transfer Entropy
  • • Connectivity, Spatio-temporal
Signal Processing for Non-Engineers
  • • signal, sampling, temporal attribuates
  • • repeation, frequency, fourier
  • • filtering, smoothing, averaging
Linear Algebra
  • • vector, space, matrix, dot, cross product
  • • subspace, null space, range, domain
  • • eigen values, SVD, LS

Seminars & Presentations

PhyAAt: Physiology of Auditory Attention
Introduction on Machine Learning & Deeplearnings - seminar
Video Lectures - Fourier

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Archived course material (2010-2015 teaching)

Check Here for now ...


Statsics for Data Analysis
  • • Basic Statistics
  • • Analysing Data
  • • Visualising and Report writing
ECE300 - Digital Signal Processing


ECE220 - Signals & Systems
ECE408 - Adavnced Transform Techniques
ECE533 - Information Theory & Coding


ECE581 - Adavnced Coding Theory
ECE300 - Digital Signal Processing
ECE618 - Radar Communication


ECE554 - Speech and Audio Signal Processing
ECE408 - Adavnced Transform Techniques
ECE533 - Information Theory & Coding